Your favourite tent

Sie möchten ein Krimidinner in Ihrem eigenen Stil? Gerne dürfen Sie das Jahr auch anpassen. Wie wäre es anstatt heute mit den 20er Jahren? Gerne dürfen Sie uns kontaktieren, damit wir Ihren Wunsch besprechen können.

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    We are also available by telephone:
    T +41 71 787 51 15

    Your desired tent was not yet included?
    Do you have a very specific idea of how you want your dream tent to look like? No problem. We are specialists for natural tents and organise the tent of your dreams for you. We would be happy to advise you without obligation and look forward to hearing from you.
    Location entire Switzerland
    Availability Jan-Dec
    Duration upon agreement
    Attendance upon agreement
    Price upon agreement